#4 Consonants(2)

#4 Consonants(2) Mirinae April 25, 2024 consonants Hangeul is composed of 14 basic consonants and 10 simple vowels. In this post, we will focus on learning 5 out of the 14 consonants. meet the letters meet the words In the word “바지,” the Korean letter “ㅂ” is pronounced as a voiceless [p] because it is at […]

#3 Consonants(1)

#3 Consonants(1) Mirinae April 25, 2024 consonants Hangeul is composed of 14 basic consonants and 10 simple vowels. In this post, we will focus on learning 5 out of the 14 consonants. meet the letters meet the words Korean syllables always start with a consonant, so the Korean letter “ㅇ” in the syllable “오” is a […]