Home > Grammar > [Grammar] #6 -았/었/였어요

[Grammar] #6 -았/었/였어요

past tense

Ending a sentence with -았어요/었어요/했어요 makes it an informal but polite sentence in the past tense.


A: 그 영화 어땠어요? How was the movie?


B: 영화가 재미있었어요. The movie was fun.


combines with

: Action verbs & Descriptive verbs



1. -았어요

: Verbs with stems ending in ㅏ or ㅓ


인사동에 사람이 많았어요. (많다 + -았어요)

There were many people in Insa-dong.

졸려서 그냥 잤어요. (자다 + -았어요)

I was sleepy so I just slept.



2. -었어요

: Verbs with stems not ending in ㅏ or ㅓ


점심에 뭐를 먹었어요? (먹다 + -었어요)

What did you eat for lunch?

아까 커피를 마셨어요. (마시다 + -었어요)

I drank coffee earlier.


3. -했어요(하다+-였어요)

: 하다 verbs


지난 주말에 쇼핑했어요. (쇼핑하다 + -였어요)

I did shopping last weekend.

어제 운동했어요. (운동하다 + -였어요)

I exercised yesterday.


1. Pick the correct variant.


가다 to go


(a) -었어요  (b) -았어요  (c) -였어요


2. Complete the sentence.


인사동에 사람이 ____. There were a lot of people in Insa-dong.


많다 / -았어요 / -었어요 / 크다


3. Unscramble the sentence.


__ ___ ____. I drank coffee earlier.


-았어요 / 커피를 / 마시다 / -었어요 / 아까


1. (b)  2. 인사동에 사람이 많았어요. 3. 아까 커피를 마셨어요.


02:49 — “오늘 하루도 아주 즐거웠어요” means “Today was really fun, too”

01:10 — “그동안 재미있었어요?” means “Did you have fun while it lasted?”


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