[Korean Slang] #13 영통(Video call)

[Korean Slang] #13 영통(Video call) Mirinae May 8, 2024 Welcome to Wikinae’s Korean Slang #13   How often do you make video calls? Thanks to smartphones, we are able to connect with people anywhere, anytime, even on the other side of the world   In today’s post, let’s find out how Koreans call “video call”! […]

[Korean Slang] #12 카공(Studying at a cafe)

[Korean Slang] #12 카공(Studying at a cafe) Mirinae May 8, 2024 Welcome to Wikinae’s Korean Slang #12     What environment do you find yourself most focused? Cafes are one of the most popular places where people go to study and work ☕️     In today’s post, let’s find out how Koreans say “Studying […]

[Korean Slang] #11 월요병(Monday blues)

[Korean Slang] #11 월요병(Monday blues) Mirinae May 8, 2024 Welcome to Wikinae’s Korean Slang #11   Monday comes around too often — what do you do on Mondays? ☀️   In today’s post, let’s find out how Koreans say “Monday blues”! 월요병 is a word combination of ‘월요일 (Monday)’ and ‘병 (Disease)’ which means ‘Monday […]