-지만 shows that one accepts the contents before this pattern as true but indicates that something contrary or different is in the following clause.
A: 점심 메뉴로 떡볶이 어때요?
How about tteokbokki for lunch?
B: 좋아요. 떡볶이는 조금 맵지만 맛있어요.
Good. Tteokbokki is a bit spicy but delicious.
combines with
: Action verbs & Descriptive verbs
1. opposite or different
기숙사가 작지만 깨끗해요. (작다 + -지만)
The dormitory is small but clean.
택시가 편하지만 요금이 비싸요. (편하다 + -지만)
Taxis are convenient, but the fare is expensive.
바람이 불지만 춥지 않아요. (불다 + -지만)
It is windy, but not cold.
2. contrasting
평일은 바쁘지만 주말은 한가해요. (바쁘다 + -지만)
I’m busy on weekdays, but I’m free on weekends.
어제는 맑았지만 오늘은 비가 와요. (맑았다 + -지만)
It was sunny yesterday, but it is raining today.
과학은 잘하지만 수학은 못해요. (잘하다 + -지만)
I’m good at science, but not good at math.
1. Pick the correct variant.
편하__ 비싸요. convenient but expensive
(a) -니까 (b) -지만 (c) -여서
2. Complete the sentence.
기숙사가 ___ ____. The dormitory is small but clean.
깨끗해요 / -지만 / -아서 / 작다
3. Unscramble the sentence.
___ ____ __ __. It was sunny yesterday, but today it is snowing.
오늘은 / 맑았다 / -지만 / 눈이 와요 / 어제는
1. (b) 2. 기숙사가 작지만 깨끗해요. 3. 어제는 맑았지만 오늘은 눈이 와요.
00:18 — “난 함박웃음을 지었지만 울음이 날 것도 같았어” means “I had the widest smile but I almost spilled tears”
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