[Korean Slang] #16 워라밸(Work-life balance)

[Korean Slang] #16 워라밸(Work-life balance) Mirinae May 9, 2024 Welcome to Wikinae’s Korean Slang #16   How much do you value work-life balance? Having a healthy work-life balance will help you be more productive at work   In today’s post, let’s find out how Koreans say “Work-life balance”! 워라밸 is short for ‘워크 라이프 밸런스’ […]

[Korean Slang] #15 불금(FriYay)

[Korean Slang] #15 불금(FriYay) Mirinae May 9, 2024 Welcome to Wikinae’s Korean Slang #15   What are your plans for this Friday? On Friday nights, Koreans would usually go out for a drink or catch up with their loved ones 🔥   In today’s post, let’s find out how Koreans say “FriYay”! 불금 is short […]

[Korean Slang] #14 야근(Work overtime during the night)

[Korean Slang] #14 야근(Work overtime during the night) Mirinae May 9, 2024 Welcome to Wikinae’s Korean Slang #14   Korea’s high economic growth in a short period has made overtime work a prominent topic in the Korean labor culture 💼   In today’s post, let’s find out how Koreans say “work overtime during the night”! […]

[Korean Slang] #13 영통(Video call)

[Korean Slang] #13 영통(Video call) Mirinae May 8, 2024 Welcome to Wikinae’s Korean Slang #13   How often do you make video calls? Thanks to smartphones, we are able to connect with people anywhere, anytime, even on the other side of the world   In today’s post, let’s find out how Koreans call “video call”! […]

[Korean Slang] #12 카공(Studying at a cafe)

[Korean Slang] #12 카공(Studying at a cafe) Mirinae May 8, 2024 Welcome to Wikinae’s Korean Slang #12     What environment do you find yourself most focused? Cafes are one of the most popular places where people go to study and work ☕️     In today’s post, let’s find out how Koreans say “Studying […]

[Korean Slang] #11 월요병(Monday blues)

[Korean Slang] #11 월요병(Monday blues) Mirinae May 8, 2024 Welcome to Wikinae’s Korean Slang #11   Monday comes around too often — what do you do on Mondays? ☀️   In today’s post, let’s find out how Koreans say “Monday blues”! 월요병 is a word combination of ‘월요일 (Monday)’ and ‘병 (Disease)’ which means ‘Monday […]

[Korean Slang] #10 먹방(Eating show)

[Korean Slang] #10 먹방(Eating show) Mirinae May 7, 2024 Welcome to Wikinae’s Korean Slang #10   Have you ever watched an eating show? Eating shows became popular and can now be found on various forms of media, including YouTube and television 🍽️   In today’s post, let’s find out how Koreans call an “eating show”! […]

[Korean Slang] #9 띵작(Masterpiece)

[Korean Slang] #9 띵작(Masterpiece) Mirinae May 7, 2024 Welcome to Wikinae’s Korean Slang #9   Are there any art works that you consider a masterpiece?   Many outstanding works of art — paintings, movies, novels, plays, and more — are called “명작 (Masterpiece)” in Korean 🖼️ However, there’s a neologism that refers to it differently. […]

[Korean Slang] #8 소맥(Soju and beer)

[Korean Slang] #8 소맥(Soju and beer) Mirinae May 7, 2024 Welcome to Wikinae’s Korean Slang #8   What’s your favorite type of liquor? Soju, one of Korea’s most beloved alcohols, comes in diverse variations.Among them, the mixture between soju and beer is very popular In today’s post, let’s find out how Koreans call “soju and […]

[Korean Slang] #7 엘베(Elevator)

[Korean Slang] #7 엘베(Elevator) Mirinae May 6, 2024 Welcome to Wikinae’s Korean Slang #7   The elevator is one of many innovative inventions that have made our lives more convenient 🛗   In today’s post, let’s find out how Koreans say “elevator”! ✔️엘베 is short for ‘엘리베이터’ which is the Korean pronunciation of ‘elevator’. Although […]